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Adoption of a Kitty City cat/kitten begins with filling out an adoption application.


Adoptable Kitty City cats/kittens are showcased on the Kitty City Facebook page and can be seen in person at the Bismarck Petco. Availability of adoptable cats changes frequently. Please contact Alison at 701-220-4449 for more information on available cats. Adoptable cats will be vaccinated, dewormed, spayed/neutered and FIV/FELV tested.



Microchipping your new cat/kitten can be decided on upon adoption. The cost is $30 and will give you peace of mind should your cat/kitten ever accidentally get outside and become lost.


A microchip is used for identification. The electronic chip is the size of a grain of rice, it is implanted under the skin of the cat/kitten. The chip contains a unique ID number for identifying the owner.



Sanctuary Cats

Disabled and FIV+ (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) cats at the Kitty City sanctuary are permanent residents and are NOT ADOPTABLE at this time. Most of the Kitty City FIV cats are in their 2nd stage and experiencing varying degrees of health complications and issues. They are well cared for and living a great life. If and when the time comes that they are experiencing untreatable health issues, they cross over peacefully and dignified.

To learn more about FIV click here or google for more information.


I'm Cookie

Cookie was found frozen to the ground with severe frostbite. He lost his ears and tail and needed extreme care for several months.


I'm Tippy

Tippy is a young male with Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH). He came to us as a surrender when his owner did not know how to take care of him.


I'm Smart Alec (FIV+)

Smart Alec was a stray in a rural area in ND for a long time. He was trapped and tested FIV+. After recovering from a few abscesses he was moved to the sanctuary. He is a sweet boy who loves everyone!


I'm Stitch

Stitch, is an awesome man who not only has CH but also has had his eyes removed as a kitten due to severe eye infections. He is living proof that disabilities do not have to define us.


I'm Jovi

Jovi arrived in 2022. She had been a stray in a city park for over 3 years. She arrived with an old dislocated jaw that had fused and needed one eye removed. She is very temperamental but wants to be loved for the first time in her life. Patience will win her over.


I'm Wally (FIV+)

Wally was found and trapped by Kitty City in a frozen foods truck at Wal-Mart. He had a few abscesses that with treatment healed nicely.


I'm Nakia

Nakia was found as a stray. She has mild CH and many deformities. She is on lifelong meds for her sinuses but does not let anything stop her and is such a positive reminder to us all to make each day count.


I'm Rooby

Rooby is an inspiration to everyone she meets! Rooby was found in a feral cat colony and has radial hypoplasia, meaning she has less or no growth in her front limbs. Rooby has no front limbs at all and walks using only her back legs. Cats like Rooby are sometimes called Kangaroo cats or Squirrel cats. Rooby loves to play, jump, climb and be part of the bunch.

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I'm Cleo-cat-ra

Cleo-cat-ra came to us from a hoarding case. She was found with no back feet. We do not  know how she lost her feet and she is VERY shy but she seems to get around fine with no pain and is starting to want to socialize.


I'm Nostradamus

Nostradamus came to us in August, 2023 along with his 3 siblings at 10 weeks of age. Nostradamus has severe CH (cerebellar Hypoplasia) and does very well with it. He tumbles around a lot, hates the vacuum cleaner and likes to be loved on if you take time to know him. You will notice he has missing whiskers most of the time from tumbling around. Hopefully one day they will all grow back as he learns how to cope more with his CH.


I'm Jim Jum (FIV+)

Jims came to us from the Minot area as a stray that had been taken in by another rescue until he tested FIV+. They asked if Kitty City could take him. He had a sore foot but it turned out he had a crushed tibia and he needed amputation. He was a very leery guy at first but now is very comfortable at the sanctuary. 

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I'm La Ciega

La Ciega came to us from another rescue who was doing TNR with a feral colony and found her to be blind. She needed one of her eyes removed and we are still trying to save the other one. She is sweet if you are patient with her.


I'm Tallulah 

Tallulah came to us after being found as a stray as a kitten and living her first year in a person’s garage hiding in their car engines. Tallulah is blind in both eyes and arrived very scared and bashful. She has come a long way and is a very sweet young gal.


I'm Zima

Zima came to us from an impound where she had a bad mouth infection from an immune disorder and large overbite. After getting her to Kitty City we realized she was also deaf. Zima is doing well and adjusting.


I'm Berkely (FIV+)

Berkely came to Kitty City as a stray who had injured his front leg. He had his leg amputated and recovered nicely. He loves to run and play and does not let anything slow him down.


I'm Salty (FIV+)

Salty came to Kitty City via a vet who pulled him from an impound situation. He is so sweet and is so far staying as healthy as we can expect.


I'm Selena

Selena was surrendered to us due to the fact she had become aggressive at home. She had attacked several people leaving them taking antibiotics for bites. She was VERY aggressive and we decided a barn cat situation was best for her. She became ill and we moved her back indoors. She has had a complete change of attitude and has become a very sweet gal who just needed some understanding and different situation. Selena has been a tripod since birth when her mom is believed to have chewed her leg off. 


I'm Turtle

Turtle came to from a farm. He has chronic URI’s and has microphthalmia (Small eyes). He can see things very very near but nothing past that. He is a sweet boy.


I'm Meatball (FIV+)

Meatball came to us when he became a stray after owners abandoned him. He has suffered abuse and was intentionally tossed in with dogs for fighting. He is a bashful boy but oh so sweet!


I'm Prim

Prim is a long hair Siamese. She was a long time stray that suffered severe frostbite and lost her ears down to the base. Prim also has a neurological condition due to her tail and spine being fused, making it  more difficult for her to walk. She is a happy happy older gal who has made a lot of friends at the sanctuary.


I'm Skitter

Skitter was trapped living with a feral colony. She was injured pretty badly when trapped resulting in her leg being amputated. She is a very leery cat that likes to keep to herself but she is trying to be more social. 


I'm Rex (FIV+)

Rex transferred in from another rescue where he had remained for 3 years. He is FIV+ and is buddies with Timmy who is also FIV+. He is very sweet and loves to hang around on your back and be carried around. He will now remain at the Kitty City Sanctuary with his friends. 


I'm Bodhi (FIV+)

Bohdi was a long time stray and was trapped by Kitty City. Bohdi had suffered frostbite but healed well. Bohdi tested FIV+  and will remain at the sanctuary. Bohdi is a sweet , sweet boy who loves to just hang around. 


I'm Timmy (FIV+)

Timmy was transferred to Kitty City from another rescue. Timmy is FIV+ and had sat in foster for 3 years with no one interested so now he will get to live out his days at the Kitty City  Sanctuary. He is a sweet, active boy who loves his humans.


Physical Address (by appt only):

4747 22nd Ave, Mandan, ND 58554

Mailing Address:

3204 46th Ave. SE, Mandan, ND 58554

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